13 Sept 2008
INDIAN Missiel Astra
Chandipur (Orissa), Sept 13 : India on Saturday successfully test fired the 'Astra', which is an active radar homing Beyond Visual Range Air-To-Air Missile (BVRAAM), from the integrated test range (ITR) at Chandipur in Orissa.
The 'Astra' missile was test-fired from a launcher in the launch pad number 2 of the ITR complex at about 12:05 p.m., defence sources said.
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LHC Hack Saved the World
The hackers reportedly mounted an attack on the Large Hadron Collider, which has raised eyebrows over the security of this historic experiment in the world, as it surpasses a vital milestone.
Scientists say that it was a competition between two hacker groups - known in hacking circles as 2600 and 1337, that led them to break into the experiment just before it was to begin.
2600, also known as the Greek Security Team broke into the experiment and left a message saying, "We are 2600.. don't mess with us..." The scientists who were behind the mammoth experiment had received threatening emails prior to the start.
Scientists working at Cern, the organisation that runs the vast smasher, were worried about what the hackers could do because they were 'one step away' from the computer control system of one of the huge detectors of the machine, a vast magnet that weighs 12,500 tons, measuring around 21 metres in length and 15 metres wide/high.
It appears that none of the experiments were adversely impacted by the security breach. But with "more than 110 different control systems" in place that run everything from building heating to radiation protection to the particle accelerators themselves, the idea of a security breach can seem frightening. Cern's own Computing and Network Infrastructure for Controls group had previously produced a document that said, "recent events show that computer security issues are becoming a serious problem also at Cern." The team refused to comment, however, on this week's security breach.
Fortunately, only one file was damaged but one of the scientists firing off emails as the CMS team fought off the hackers said it was a "scary experience". The hackers breached the CMSMON system, which monitors the CMS software system. CMS takes vast amounts of data during collisions.
Two moon 13 SEP
At this time of the year, Uranus comes closest to the Earth. Saturday the planet will be visible through telescopes right from dusk to dawn.
"It is an interesting phenomenon as Uranus and the Earth would be in a straight line. Both the planets come closest at this time of the year and Uranus, in turn, shines at its brightest," said Nehru Planetarium director N. Ratnashree.
Ratnashree said if there had been an observer on Uranus, he would see the Earth passing in front of the Sun at the same time.
People interested in watching the planet's uranus approach towards the Earth can watch this phenomenon with a high resolution telescope
10 Sept 2008
Scientific experts from around the world are genuinely predicting that five years from now, all life on Earth could well finish. Some are saying it'll be humans that set it off. Others believe that a natural phenomenon will be the cause. And the religious folks are saying it'll be God himself who presses the stop button...
1. Mayan Calendar
The first mob to predict 2012 as the end of the world were the Mayans, a bloodthirsty race that were good at two things:
Building highly accurate astrological equipment out of stone and
Sacrificing Virgins.
Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar predicts that the Earth will end on December 21, 2012. Given that they were pretty close to the mark with the lunar cycle, it's likely they've got the end of the world right as well.
2. Sun Storms
Solar experts from around the world monitoring the sun have made a startling discovery: our sun is in a bit of strife. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic, and it's supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, recent solar storms have been bombarding the Earth with so much radiation energy, it's been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted to get worse, and calculations suggest it'll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012
3. The Atom Smasher
Scientists in Europe have been building the world's largest particle accelerator. Basically its a 27km tunnel designed to smash atoms together to find out what makes the Universe tick. However, the mega-gadget has caused serious concern, with some scientists suggesting that it's properly even a bad idea to turn it on in the first place. They're predicting all manner of deadly results, including mini black holes. So when this machine is fired up for its first serious experiment in 2012, the world could be crushed into a super-dense blob the size of a basketball.
4. The Bible says...
If having scientists warning us about the end of the world isn't bad enough,religious folks are getting in on the act aswell. Interpretations of the Christian Bible reveal that the date for Armageddon, the final battle between Good an Evil, has been set down for 2012. The I Ching, also known as the Chinese book of Changes, says the same thing, as do various sections of the Hindu teachings.
5. Super Volcano
Yellowstone National Park in the United States is famous for its thermal springs and Old Faithful geyser. The reason for this is simple - it's sitting on top of the world's biggest volcano, and geological experts are beginning to get nervous sweats. The Yellowstone volcano has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we're many years overdue for an explosion that will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the Earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang.
6. The Physicists
This one's case of bog-simple maths mathematics. Physicists at Berekely Uni have been crunching the numbers. and they've determined that the Earth is well overdue for a major catastrophic event. Even worse, they're claiming their calculations prove, that we're all going to die, very soon - while also saying their prediction comes with a certainty of 99 percent- and 2012 just happens to be the best guess as to when it occurs.
7. Slip-Slop-Slap- BANG!
We all know the Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that sheilds us from most of the sun's radiation. What you might not know is that the magnetic poles we call north and south have a nasty habit of swapping places every 750,000 years or so - and right now we're about 30,000 years overdue. Scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20-30kms each year, much faster than ever before, which points to a pole-shift being right around the corner. While the pole shift is underway, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear, sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds, killing everything it touches.
Recived The post in an Email and want to know what you think about this? Pls Comment.
Note:This was posted just for a general chit chat. The post is not meant to scare anyone and I personally believe that the world is not going to end in 2012.
Mr. XENO has a very convincing post which again firms the belife that the earth will end very soon...
Many experiments go wrong. If the Big Bang Machine experiment goes wrong, the entire Earth could disappear in a nanosecond this coming Wednesday, 9/10/2008.
he most powerful physics experiment ever built, the Large Hadron Collider will re-create the conditions just after the Big Bang in an attempt to answer fundamental questions of science and the universe itself.
On September 10th, CERN - the largest centre of particle physics research in the world, will switch on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and in the process begin arguably the most ambitious science experiment ever undertaken. This “Big Bang Machine” will recreate conditions just a billionth of a second after the big bang and in the process may answer some of the most profound questions about our universe and how it all began.
Read The Entire Story
8 Sept 2008
All VIRGIN MOBILE Tricks And Hacks
Virgin Mobile India Limited is a cellular telephone service provider company which is a joint venture between Tata Teleservices and Richard Branson’s Virgin Group. Currently, the company uses Tata’s CDMA network to offer its services under the brand name Virgin Mobile, but it has also announced plans to foray into the GSM space as well.
In May 2007, the Tata Group and the Virgin Group finalized plans to form a corporate vehicle through which the latter’s mobile service could be launched in India. Since Mobile Virtual Network Operators are not permitted to operate in India due to the current regulations prevailing there, a 50:50 joint venture model was adopted.
Virgin Mobile was officially launched on March 2, 2008.
Tricks to come…
All AIRTEL Tricks And hacks
Airtel is the largest cellular service provider in India in terms of number of subscribers. Bharti Airtel owns the Airtel brand and provides the following services under the brand name Airtel: Mobile Services (using GSM Technology), Broadband & Telephone Services (Fixed line, Internet Connectivity(DSL) and Leased Line), Long Distance Services and Enterprise Services (Telecommunications Consulting for corporates). It has presence in all 23 circles of the country and covers 71% of the current population (as of FY07).
Leading international telecommunication companies such as Vodafone and SingTel held partial stakes in Bharti Airtel.
In April 2006 Bharti Global Limited was awarded a telecommunications licence in Jersey in the Channel Islands by the local telecommunications regulator the JCRA. In September 2006 the Office of Utility Regulation in Guernsey awarded Guernsey Airtel with a mobile telecommunications licence. In May 2007 Jersey Airtel and Guernsey Airtel announced the launch of a relationship with Vodafone for Island mobile subscribers. In July 2007, Bharti Airtel signed an MoU with Nokia-Siemens for a 900 million dollar expansion of its mobile and fixed network. In August 2007, the company announced it will be launching a customized version of Google search engine that will provide an ‘array of services’ to its broadband customers.
In March 2008, Bharti Airtel will roll out third generation services in Sri Lanka in association with Singtel. This is because Singapore-based Asian telecom major Singtel, which owns a little over 30% in Bharti Airtel, is a major player in the 3G space as it has already third generation networks in several markets across Asia.
Plz Go step By step
More latest airtel tricks to come …
3 Sept 2008
The film will go on the floors in February 2009, and has music by AR Rahman.
The movie maker Rajeev Menon will bring Ash Abhi together for the film that will be remake of Hrikesh Mukharjee’s “Abhimaan” of 70’s in which parents Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan appeared. The film will show them to be singers like the previous film. The film is about struggle between married partners to get fame.
Review Abhimaan 1973
Commercially successfull Abhimaan was Released within months of its lead players Jaya and Amitabh's marriage. The screen couple encounter discord due to their differing levels of professional success.
Subir (Amitabh) is a star singer, known for his repertoire of crowd-pleasing songs, a fact established by the Kishore Kumar number, 'Meet na mila re man ka'.
Subir's visit to his doting aunt, Durga Mausi , who lives in a distant village, fructifies in a meeting with Uma (Jaya Bhaduri), daughter of a classical singer.
Interestingly, director Mukherjee subtly suggest the differing points of view underlying the obvious attraction that the couple feel for each other. Transfixed by her voice, he proposes, and under Subeer's tutelage Uma begins to sing professionally. Before long however, her career has far outstripped his own. Seething with resentment, Subeer hits the bottle and abandons Uma to depression and a miscarriage.
The film evocatively captures the blissful early days of the marriage
Superb performances by Amitabh and Jaya are the life force of the film. While watching Abhimaan, one is tempted to wonder if Jaya's subsequent opting out of the limelight was partially influenced by this film. Amitabh plays a star singer with flamboyant élan, looks genuinely in love and later wears the sullen look as if it were second skin.
Jaya is appropriately expressive in the first half and appears effectively numbed in the climax.
1 Sept 2008
Weeding Is not Every Thing...
A.The bride will have good luck if she dreams on her wedding day.
B.Finding a tear in the Wedding Veil is a Omen of Good luck!
C.It is bad luck for the bride to drop her handkerchief while entering or exiting the carriage.
(A good reason not to use one!)
D.It is bad luck to give the bride a telegram on her way to the ceremony.
(Unless she's won the lottery!)
E.It is bad luck for the bride to eat anything while getting ready for the ceremony and until after the ceremony is over. (Did Weight Watchers add that in?)
F.It is bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding attire before the ceremony.
G.It is good luck for the bride to throw away bread as a symbol of throwing away her troubles. Even better, for every piece given to the poor on the way to the wedding, a misfortune will be averted.
H.It is Bad Luck to have visible mirrors in the Ceremony area. It is Bad luck for the Bride to see herself in the mirror fully dressed before the wedding... she should leave off one item of clothing such as a shoe or something.
I.On the Wedding day, It is bad luck for the Bride and Groom to see each other before the Ceremony.
J.It is said that it is good luck for a bride to cry on her wedding day. All sorrows are washed away leaving room for only happiness.
K.Orange blossoms are lucky in the bouquet or décor.
It is good luck for the bride to carry her mother's prayer book.
L.Placing a bit of salt in a shoe, pocket or glove will bring the bride luck for several reasons. The Greeks believed salt symbolized loyalty and lasting friendship. Also, devils and witches supposedly hate salt so it keeps them away.
M.In order to insure Good luck, the Bride must exit with her right foot first across the threshold.
N.The circle of the ring, without beginning or end, symbolizes eternal love.
O.In early Rome, through to the Renaissance, only the wealthy wore rings. The one exception was the wedding band.
In the Anglo-Saxon north, rings were among the gifts given to the bride before the wedding. The word "wed" is from the Anglo-Saxon word for "pledge"
P.It is Bad luck if the Brides car does not start the first time or has car trouble on the way to the ceremony.
Q.If the youngest of the daughters is the first to marry, and the older ones want husbands, they have to either dance barefoot at the wedding or in green stockings. If they want to be insured of their luck, they must dance in a hog's or pig's trough!
R. It is a good Omen if the Bride or Groom sees a cat on the way to the Wedding.
S.Blue is the Symbol of Spirituality and Faithfulness. The Bride should wear or carry something Blue to increase her luck in Marriage.
T.Red is a traditional color for Chinese brides and was worn by American brides during the Revolutionary war as a sign of rebellion. In India the wedding dress is traditionally red, for good luck.
U.This is an unlucky Month for Marriage.... this coming from Ancient Rome when May was the month for making offerings to the dead.
V.It is bad luck if the groom's last name starts with the same last name as the bride.
Some believe that it is bad luck to marry someone born in the same month as you.
W.The bride will have mother-in-law troubles if she breaks something on her wedding day.
The mother-in-law test of the bride's housewife rating is to place a broom on the floor. If the bride moves the broom to the side, she will be a good housewife: if she steps over it, she will not be.
X.In some Middle Eastern Islamic countries, the bride must be a virgin. At the wedding party on the wedding night, the groom and bride leave the ceremony to consummate the marriage. The mother of the bride must stand outside the door of the bedroom to wait for the groom to hand her a blood stained sheet to verify the bride's virginity had not been violated. If the blood is not present, the groom has the right to annul the marriage.
Y.In Indian, in the Sikh and Punjabi cultures, games are traditionally played with the groom for money. The sister of the bride hides the shoes of the groom until he pays her. Later when the groom is entering the HOME, the sister of the bride blocks the groom's entry , and in order for the groom and his family to enter, he needs to pay.
Using Microwave - Must read It
2.Liquids, when heated in a microwave oven in a container with a smooth surface, can superheat; without actually boiling. The boiling process can start explosively when the liquid is disturbed and can result in a violent burst of water and vapor resulting in liquid and steam burns
3.In a microwave oven,food is cooked by exposing it to microwave radiation. Most household microwave ovens operate on a frequency of 2450 megahertz (MHz or million cycles per second) in a continuous wave (cw) mode. Larger ovens used for industrial applications sometimes operate at 915 MHz.
4.Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term, permanent, brain damage by “shorting out” electrical impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue].
5.Closed containers and eggs can explode when heated in a microwave oven due to the pressure build-up of steam. Products that are heated too long can catch fire.
6.Because the microwave oven's cavity is enclosed and metal, fires are generally well contained. Simply switching off the oven and allowing the fire to consume available oxygen with the door closed will typically contain damage to the oven itself.
7.Any metal or conductive object placed into the microwave will act as an antenna to some degree, resulting in an electric current. This causes the object to act as a heating element. This effect varies with the object's shape and composition, and is sometimes utilized for cooking.
8.Any object containing pointed metal can create an electric arc (cause sparks) when microwaved. This includes cutlery, aluminium foil, ceramics decorated with metal, and almost anything containing any type of metal. Forks are a good example.
9.Micro-waved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths [tumors]. This has been a primary contributor to the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in the United States.
10.Another hazard is the resonance of the magnetron tube itself. If the microwave is run without an object to absorb the radiation, a standing wave will form. The energy is reflected back and forth between the tube and the cooking chamber. This may cause the tube to 'cook' itself and burn out.
11.The prolonged eating of micro-waved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.
The History of the Middle Finger
Well, now......here' s something I never knew before, and now that I know it, I feel compelled to send it on to my more intelligent friends in the hope that they, too, will feel edified. Isn't history more fun when you know something about it?
Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous English longbow was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as "plucking the yew" (or "pluck yew").
Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, See, we can still pluck yew! Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodentals fricative F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute! It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as "giving the bird."
And yew thought yew knew every plucking thing.
29 Aug 2008
India - Sri Lanka 5th ODI Result
Target (Sri Lanka) : 228 runs from 50 overs
Total Score (India): 103/10 (26.3)
Result: Sri Lanka beat India by 112 runs, India win series 3-2
Controversies - Indian Crickters
1.Sachin Tendulkar
A. Mike Denness incident : In the second test of India's 2001 tour of South Africa, match referee Mike gave a suspended ban of one game in light of alleged ball tampering. Television cameras picked up images that suggested Tendulkar may have been involved in cleaning the seam of the cricket ball in the second test match between India and South Africa at St George's Park, Port Elizabeth.This can, under some conditions, amount to altering the condition of the ball. The match referee Mike Denness found Sachin Tendulkar guilty of ball tampering charges and handed him a one Test match ban.
After a thorough investigation, the International Cricket Council revoked the official status of the match and the ban on Tendulkar was lifted. Tendulkar's ball tampering charges and Sehwag's ban for excessive appealing triggered a massive backlash from the Indian public and even the Indian parliament
B.In commemorating Sachin Tendulkar's feat of equalling Don Bradman's 29 centuries in Test Cricket, automotive giant Ferrari invited Sachin Tendulkar to receive a Ferrari 360 Modena from the legendary F1 racer Michael Schumacher.On September 4, 2002 India's then finance minister Jaswant Singh wrote to Sachin telling him that the government will waive custom's duty imposed on the car as a measure to applaud his feat.However the rules at the time stated that the customs duty can be waived only when receiving an automobile as a prize and not as a gift. It is claimed that the proposals to change the law (Customs Act) was put forth in Financial Bill in February 2003 and amended was passed as a law in May 2003. Subsequently the Ferrari was allowed to be brought to India without payment of the customs duty (Rs 1.13 Crores or 120% on the car value of Rs 75 Lakhs).When the move to waive customs duty became public in July 2003, political and social activists protested the waiver and filed PIL in the Delhi High Court. With the controversy snowballing, Sachin offered to pay the customs duty and the tab was finally picked up by Ferrari.
2.Sourav Ganguly :
A.The Chappell - Ganguly controversy : His dispute with then coach Greg Chappell resulted in many headlines during 2005 and early 2006. Greg Chappell emailed the BCCI stating that Ganguly was unfit to lead India and that his "divide and rule" behaviour was damaging the team. This email was leaked to the media and resulted in huge backlash from Ganguly's fans. Eventually due to his poor form and differences with the coach he was stripped of his captaincy and dropped from the team. However, 10 months later, during India's tour to South Africa, Ganguly was recalled after his middle order replacements Suresh Raina and Mohammad Kaif suffered poor form.
B.Shirt take-off at Lords : During the final match of the 2002 Natwest Trophy held in Lords after a stunning performance by team mates Yuvraj Singh and Mohammad Kaif, Sourav Ganguly took off his shirt in public and brandished it in the air to celebrate India's winning of the match. He was later strongly condemned for tarnishing the gentleman's game image of cricket and disrespecting Lords protocol. Ganguly said that he was only mimicking an act performed by the English all-rounder Andrew Flintoff during a tour of India.
C.During the 2003 World Cup final against Australia, Ganguly won the toss and decided to field. This decision raised eyebrows but Sourav remained confident that there would be moisture on the pitch that would help his bowlers, however the bowlers flopped and Sourav performed poorly with the bat. India went on to lose by 125 runs, a staggering defeat.
3.Kapil Dev : In their first match of the World Cup, Australia scored 268 against India. However, after the close of innings, Kapil Dev agreed with the umpires that the score should be increased to 270 as one boundary during the innings had been mistakenly signalled as a four and not a six. In their reply, India scored 269 falling short of Australia's score by one run.
4.Rahul Dravid :
A.Ball-Tampering Incident : In January 2004 Dravid was found guilty of ball tampering during an ODI with Zimbabwe. Match referee Clive Lloyd adjudged the application of an energy sweet to the ball as a deliberate offence although Dravid himself denied this was his intent.Lloyd emphasised that television footage conclusively showed the star Indian batsman intentionally applying a lozenge to the ball during the Zimbabwean innings on Tuesday night at the Gabba, which was in breach of clause 2.10 of the ICC's Code of Conduct.
B. One of Dravid's most debated decisions was taken in March 2004, when he was standing in as captain for an injured Sourav Ganguly. The Indian first innings was declared at a point when Sachin Tendulkar was at 194 with 16 overs remaining on Day 2.
C.He was crticised by Vijay Mallya for not picking the team with right balance since Dravid's team royal challengers was the second worst team by winning less amount of matches in inaugural DLF Indian Premier League.
5.Mohammad Azharuddin :
MATCH FIXING SCANDAL : Towards the end of his career Azharuddin was accused of match-fixing South African captain Hansie Cronje in his confession for match-fixing had indicated that Azharuddin was the one to introduce him to the bookies. This led the BCCI to ban him from the game of cricket for life in 2000.
The BCCI lifted the ban on Azharuddin in 2006 and even honoured him along with other Indian Test captains in a ceremony in Mumbai during the 2006 ICC Champions Trophy. The ICC, however, claimed that it alone had the right to revoke the ban despite playing no role in handing out the original ban.
In one of his interviews, he claimed that he was being targeted because he was from a minority community. However, this statement backfired badly and invited severe criticism from all parts of the country and even from prominent minority community organisations in India. Ultimately, Azharuddin had to apologise publicly and retract his statements.
The ban cost him a chance of joining the 100 Test club, in the end finishing stranded on 99 Test matches.
6.Mahendra Singh Dhoni :
A.Home Vandalized: After the loss to Bangladesh in 2007 Cricket World Cup, the house that Dhoni was constructing in his home-town Ranchi was vandalized and damaged by political activists of JMM. The local police arranged for security for his family as India exited the World cup in the first round.
B.Walk-off: On the fourth day of the first test match during India's tour of West Indies, 2006, Dhoni's flick off Dave Mohammed to the midwicket region was caught by Daren Ganga. As the batsman started to walk back, captain Dravid declared the innings when confusion started as the umpires were not certain if the fielder stepped on the ropes and Dhoni stayed for the umpire's verdict. While the replays were inconclusive, the captain of the West Indies side, Brian Lara, wanted Dhoni to walk-off based on the fielder's assertion of the catch. The impasse continued for more than 15 minutes and Lara's temper was on display with finger wagging against the umpires and snatching the ball from umpire Asad Rauf. Ultimately, Dhoni walked-off and Dravid's declaration was effected but the game was delayed, and Lara's action was criticized by the commentators and former players. Lara was called by the match referee for explanation of his actions but was not fined by the match referee.
7.Sunil Gavaskar : In a notorious ODI performance in 1975, he opened the batting and managed just 36 (not out) off 174 balls (scoring just one four). Replying to England's 334 from 60 overs, India managed only 132 for 3 from the 60 overs. It was alleged that Gavaskar deliberately performed poorly in that match, due to his annoyance with the promotion of Srinivas Venkataraghavan to captaincy.He later claimed that he could not adjust to the pace of the game.
8.Harbhajan Singh
A.While Harbhajan was batting during the third day of the Second Test at the Sydney Cricket Ground, he became involved in an altercation with Australia's Andrew Symonds. As a result of this, he was charged with a Level 3 charge of racially abusing Symonds. Harbhajan was alleged to have called Symonds a "monkey". Harbhajan and his batting partner at the time of the incident, Sachin Tendulkar, denied this.At a hearing after the conclusion of the Test, match referee Mike Procter found Harbhajan guilty of the charge and imposed a ban of three Test matches.
B.Harbhajan was involved in further controversy after an 2008 Indian Premier League (IPL) match between Mumbai Indians and Kings XI Punjab at Mohali in April 2008. While the teams were shaking hands, he slapped Punjab paceman and Indian team-mate Sreesanth.[130] The Kings XI Punjab lodged an official compliant to the IPL.The match referee Farokh Engineer found Harbhajan guilty of a level 4.2 offence, banning him from the remainder of the IPL and fining him all of his match fee. Harbhajan made up with Sreesanth, and said that "I have been punished for the wrong I did".On May 14, the BCCI disciplinary committee found Harbhajan guilty under Rule 3.2.1 of the BCCI regulations and handed down the maximum punishment of five-match ban from ODIs. Harbhajan faces the prospect of a life ban if he commits further disciplinary breaches.
3G India - What can we Expect ?
People in India are looking forward to more information, faster data access and multimedia services through their mobile phones. 3G technology is here to turn this dream into reality. It’s a technology anxiously awaited by telecom operations and subscribers in India.
How long do we have to wait?
Not very long! India is all set to launch 3G mobile telephone services by october 2008 first in four indian metros.
According to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India chairman Nripendra Misra, a total of 32.5 MHz is available for allocation within the next 6-9 months.
Trai has also recommended auctioning 200 MHz for broadband wireless access services like Wimax (worldwide interoperability for microwave access) and has proposed a national frequency management board to oversee spectrum availability and its efficient use.
He hopes that the allocated spectrum would be enough for the next two years and said Trai would recommend freeing up more spectrum for those who lose out in this auction.
So what is 3G spectrum all about?
What is spectrum?
Radio frequency (RF) is a frequency or rate of oscillation within the range of about 3 Hz to 300 GHz. This range corresponds to frequency of alternating current electrical signals used to produce and detect radio waves. Since most of this range is beyond the vibration rate that most mechanical systems can respond to, RF usually refers to oscillations in electrical circuits or electromagnetic radiation.
How is 3G different from 2G and 4G?
While 2G stands for second-generation wireless telephone technology, 1G networks used are analog, 2G networks are digital and 3G (third-generation) technology is used to enhance mobile phone standards.
3G helps to simultaneously transfer both voice data (a telephone call) and non-voice data (such as downloading information, exchanging e-mail, and instant messaging. The highlight of 3G is video telephony. 4G technology stands to be the future standard of wireless devices.
Currently, Japanese company NTT DoCoMo and Samsung are testing 4G communication.
How will 3G services help you?
3G services will enable video broadcast and data-intensive services such as stock transactions, e-learning and telemedicine through wireless communications
All telecom operators are waiting to launch 3G in India to cash in on revenues by providing high-end services to customers, which are voice data and video enabled. India lags behind many Asian countries in introducing 3G services.
What is Trai’s recommendation on 3G pricing?
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has recommended auctioning radio frequencies for 3G telecom services at a reserve price of Rs 1,050 crore (Rs 10.50 billion) to companies seeking to offer nationwide high-speed Internet and streaming video.
The base price for spectrum in cities like Mumbai and Delhi and Category A telecom circles is Rs 120 crore (Rs 1200 million); in cities like Chennai and Kolkata and Category B circles Rs 80 crore (Rs 800 million); and in all other cities Rs 15 crore (Rs 150 million).
What are the frequency bands and quota for CDMA?
Trai has recommended three sets of frequency bands - 450 mhz, 800 mhz and 2.1 ghz. For CDMA players like Reliance [Get Quote] and Tata Teleservices 1.25 MHz each is offered. CDMA operators are free to bid both in the 2.1 GHz and the 450 MHz bands, but they will be allocated spectrum only in one. The pricing of these two bands is linked to the auction in the 2.1 GHz band.
CDMA operators will pay the same as the second-highest GSM bidder. And if there is more than one claimant in the 450 MHz band, the reserve price will be half of that arrived at in the 2.1 GHz band. Another rider is that if the highest bid is a quarter more than the lowest, the lowest bidder has to raise its bid to 75 per cent of the winning bid.
But CDMA operators are likely to face problems. Operating 3G services on 450 MHz is a problem because we they do not have dual-band phones that work both in 450 MHz and in 800 MHz (the band in which CDMA operates in India).
What are the issues regarding 3G for providers and users?
3G has successfully been introduced in Europe. But several issues continue to hamper its growth.
High spectrum licensing fees for the 3G services
Huge capital required to build infrastructure for 3G services.
Health impact of electromagnetic waves.
Prices are very high for 3G mobile services.
Will 2G users switch to 3G services.
Takes time to catch up as the service is new.
What are the issues regarding 3G pricing?
Pricing has been a cause of concern. Spectrum auctions ran into billions of euros in Europe. In Europe, spectrum licensing fees were collected years before the 3G service was developed and it required huge investments to build 3G networks, hitting mobile operators’ margins.
However, in Japan and South Korea, spectrum licensing fees were not applicable as the focus of these countries were national IT infrastructure development.
Which companies have applied for 3G license?
3G spectrum has been provided to GSM players like BSNL, MTNL, Bharti, and Vodafone and some international companies have also shown intrest to carry out an interface check on a non-commercial basis ahead of the start of 3G mobile services.
Trial spectrum has been given for a period of one month. This will be only 1/1000th of the actual 3G spectrum capability. Apart frm PSU majors, spectrum for carrying out 3G trials has been given to all those who have applied under the National Frequency Allocation Plan on the 2.1 GHz band. GSM players operate on 900 MHz and 1,800 MHz, while CDMA players operate on 800 MHz.
What is the pricing issue in India?
While Tatas have welcomed Trai’s Rs 1,400-crore (Rs 14 billion) base price for a nationwide rollout of 3G services, the rest of the players find the price too exorbitant.
Bharti-Airtel is disappointed with the pricing as they were expecting it to be Rs 300-400 crore (Rs 3-4 billion). The reserve price is a disincentive for telecom companies in India. Bharti has appealed to lower the prices specially for rural penetration.
The Cellular Operators Association of India and the Association of Unified Service Providers of India are studying TRAI’s recommendations and have not given their comments.
However, Trai chairman Nripendra Misra has said that there is no reason to worry as players will not bid exorbitantly and derail the auction. Misra said telecom operators had matured from their experiences and global developments, and would bid sincerely.
What about the security in a 3G network?
3G networks offer a greater degree of security than 2G predecessors. By allowing the UE to authenticate the network it is attaching to, the user can be sure the network is the intended one and not an impersonator. 3G networks use the KASUMI block crypto instead of the older A5/1 stream cipher. However, a number of serious weaknesses in the KASUMI cipher have been identified.
In addition to the 3G network infrastructure security, end to end security is offered when application frameworks such as IMS are accessed, although this is not strictly a 3G property.
Where was 3G spectrum first introduced?
Japan was the first country to introduce 3G on a large commercial scale. In 2005, about 40 per cent of subscribers used only 3G networks. It is expected that during 2006 the subscribers would move from 2G to 3G and upgrade to the next 3.5 G level.
The success of 3G in Japan also shows that video telephony was the killer application for 3G networks. Downloading music was the biggest draw in 3G services.
In how many countries does 3G exist?
There are about 60 3G networks across 25 countries . In Asia, Europe and the USA, telecom firms use WCDMA technology. The WCDMA standard provides seamless global evolution from today’s GSM with support of the worlds’ largest mobile operators.
WCDMA technology is built on open standards, wide ranging mobile multimedia possibility, and vast potential economies of scale with the support of around 100 terminal designs to operate 3G mobile networks.
3G services were introduced in Europe in 2003.
What speed we can expect?
It is often suggested by industry sources that 3G can be expected to provide 384 kbit/s at or below pedestrian speeds, but only 128 kbit/s in a moving car.
Apple has introduced its new iPhone 3G for indian people.For the first time Apple has given the distribution rights to two operators in India.Airtel and Vodafone has launched the iPhone witha price tag of About Rs 32,000 for 8GB version and Rs 36,000 for 16 GB version.
India sri lanka 5th ODI Time
28 Aug 2008
India Beijing Journey- The In And Out
22 Aug, 2008
Indian Boxer Vijendra kumar Lost His semi-final bout against Cuba’s Emilio Bayeux Correa and Won the Bronze medal.
21 Aug, 2008
India’s ace freestyle grappler Rajiv Tomar made an early exit after losing to Steve Mocco of US in the men’s 120 kg freestyle qualification round at the Beijing Olympics.
21 Aug, 2008
Vijender fought a great tactical bout, playing that ‘defend and wait’ game to perfection against Ecuadorian Carlos Gongora.
20 Aug, 2008
The 66-kg freestyle wrestler Sushil Kumar, who lost his first bout in the round of 16, went through three repechage contests to win India’s first bronze in wrestling since 1952.Sushil Kumar won the bronze medal after beating Kazakhstan’s Spiridonav in a play-off in the men’s 66 kg freestyle wrestling through repechage round.
20 Aug, 2008
India’s ace pugilist Jitender Kumar lost to Russian Georgy Balakshin in the men’s 51 kg flyweight quarter-finals in Beijing.
20 Aug, 2008
Achanta Sharath Kamal failed to advance to the next round after losing to Austria’s Weixing Chen in the men’s singles event.
19 Aug, 2008
Indian table-tennis player Achanta Sharath Kamal won first round match in men’s singles event of Beijing Olympics after beating Alfredo Carneros of Spain 4-2.
19 Aug, 2008
India’s challenge at the 60 kg men’s freestyle wrestling came to a dismal end with Yogeshwar Dutt went down to Kenichi Yumoto of Japan.
19 Aug, 2008
Anju Bobby George too could not qualify for the event
18 Aug, 2008
India’s top pugilist Akhil Kumar crashed out of the Beijing Olympics after losing at the hands of Moldova’s Veaceslav Gojan in the quarter-finals of the men’s 54 kg bantamweight category.
18 Aug, 2008
India’s triple jumper Renjith Maheswary failed to qualify for men’s triple jump finals after leaping the best distance of 15.77 m in the qualifying round.
18 Aug, 2008
India’s promising paddler Neha Aggarwal made an early exit as she failed to advance to the next round after losing to Australia’s Fang Lay in the women’s singles event at the Beijing Olympics.
17 Aug, 2008
Surendra Singh’s hopes of a top 10 finish went up in smoke as the Indian finished the energy sapping 10,000m race at the 26th place.
17 Aug, 2008
India’s shooting campaign came to an end as riflemen Gagan Narang and Sanjeev Rajput failed to qualify for the final round of the men’s 50 metres 3-position event at the Olympics.
16 Aug, 2008
Vijender Kumar beat Thailand’s Angkhan Chomphuphuang in the 75kg middle-weight bout to advance to the quarter-finals of boxing competition at the Beijing Olympic Games.
16 Aug, 2008
Jitender Kumar defeated Tulashboy Doniyorov in the flyweight pre-quarterfinals at the Beijing Olympics.
16 Aug, 2008
Vikas Gowda’s Olympics campaign wilted in the qualifying round as the Indian discus thrower failed to reach anywhere near his best.
16 Aug, 2008
Mandeep Kaur cut a sorry figure in the Olympic stage as she failed to qualify for the semifinals of the women’s 400m event.
15 Aug, 2008
Akhil Kumar reached the quarter-finals beating world champion Sergey Vodopyanov in the 54kg bantam weight category.
15 Aug, 2008
Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi were shown the door by the Swiss pair of Roger Federer and Stanislas Wawrinka in the doubles quarter-finals.
15 Aug, 2008
Bajranglal Takhar ran out of steam in the closing stages but managed to better his personal best timing to finish 21st in the men’s Single Sculls rowing event at the Olympics.
14 Aug, 2008
Indian judokas’ challenge came to a dismal end in the 29th Olympic Games with Divya Tewar going down to Yalennis Castillo of Cuba in the 78kg category.
14 Aug, 2008
Indian challenge in swimming came to an end as neither Virdhawal Khade nor Ankur Poseria could repeat or better their personal best at the Beijing Olympics.
14 Aug, 2008
India’s Anjali Bhagwat and Avneet Kaur Sidhu crashed out without making the grade for the finals of the 50m air rifle three position shooting competition at the Being Olympics on Thursday.
13 Aug, 2008
Sania Mirza and Sunitha Rao could not avert a defeat against Kuznetsova and Safina in the 2nd round.
13 Aug, 2008
The Indian Express duo of Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi recreated the old magic to sail into the quarters of the men’s doubles event. Leander Paes/ Mahesh Bhupathi beat Marcelo Melo/Andre 6-4, 6-2.
13 Aug, 2008
Bajrang Lal Takhar dissapointed as he finished fourth among six rowers in men’s single sculls classification race at the Beijing Olympics.
13 Aug, 2008
India’s ace archer MS Champia lost in the pre-quarters from B Badenov of Russia in the men’s individual archery event.
13 Aug, 2008
MS Champia advanced to the pre-quarters after beating Iran’s V Hojjatolah in the archery men’s individual event.
13 Aug, 2008
Saina Nehwal failed to reach the semis after losing the quarter-final encounter of the women’s singles badminton event. Saina Nehwal lost to Maria Krisitin Yulianti 26-28, 21-14, 21-15.
12 Aug, 2008
Paes and Bhupathi recreated the old magic to sail into the second round of the men’s doubles tennis event of the Beijing Olympics.
12 Aug, 2008
Akhil Kumar stormed into round of 16, beating his French opponent Ali Hallab in the 54kg bantam weight category of the boxing competition at the Beijing Olympics.
12 Aug, 2008
Indian rowing pair of Devender Kumar Khandwal and Manjeet Singh finished a disappointing fifth in the Lightweight Men’s Double Sculls Repechage 2 at the Olympics.
12 Aug, 2008
India’s promising archer Pranitha, failed to perform in her pre-quarterfinal match and crashed out of the women’s individual archery event at the Beijing Olympics on Tuesday.
12 Aug, 2008
Jitender Kumar pummelled Ulas Furkan Memis in less than three rounds to storm into the fly weight pre-quarters of the boxing event.
12 Aug, 2008
Dola Banerjee and L Bombayla Devi crashed out of the individual archery event after losing their respective matches.
12 Aug, 2008
Athens silver medallist RS Rathore failed to qualify for the finals of of men’s double trap event at the Olympics.
12 Aug, 2008
Ace pistol shooter Samresh Jung failed to qualify in the finals of men’s 50m pistol event at the Beijing Olympics.
11 Aug, 2008
Anup Sridhar is out of the Olympic race, having gone down 13-21,17-21 to Japanese Shoji Sato in the second round of Olympic badminton.
11 Aug, 2008
India’s top-ranked women tennis player Sania Mirza retired from first round of singles event at the Olympics against Czech Iveta Benesova.
11 Aug, 2008
AL Lakra crashed out of the Beijing Olympics’ boxing competition after losing 5-9 to Bahodirjon Sultanov in the opening round.
11 Aug, 2008
Saina Nehwal, India’s best bet in badminton, stormed into the quarters of the the women’s singles event at the Beijing Olympics.
11 Aug, 2008
Abhinav Bindra created history by winning the first ever gold in the olympics.
11 Aug, 2008
India’s Abhinav Bindra qualified for the men’s 10m Air Rifle final after shooting a total of 596 out of 600 while Gagan Narang failed to make the cut.
10 Aug, 2008
Virdhawal Khade failed to create a ripple in the swimming pool as he finished a lowly seventh to crash out of the 200m freestyle event.
10 Aug, 2008
Anup Sridhar advanced to the second round in men’s singles badminton after beating Marco Vasconcelos at the Beijing Olympics.
10 Aug, 2008
India’s sailing duo Devender Kumar Khandwal and Manjeet Singh finished fifth and last in the second heat of the men’s lightweight double sculls in rowing at the Beijing Games.
10 Aug, 2008
Mansher Singh and Manavjit Singh Sandhu failed to qualify for the trap finals of the shooting competition at the Beijing Olympics.
10 Aug, 2008
The Indian archery team came agonisingly close to a medal before hosts China shattered their hopes in the quarter-finals of the women’s team event.
10 Aug, 2008
Saina Nehwal beat Ukrainian Larysa Gryga in straight games to advance to the women’s singles pre-quarterfinals of the Games.
9 Aug, 2008
Swimmer Sandeep Sejwal failed to qualify for the semi-finals of the men’s 100m Breaststroke event at the Olympic Games.
9 Aug, 2008
Dinesh Kumar bowed out after losing the men’s light-heavy (81-kg) opening round bout to Abdelhafid Benchabla of Algeria.
9 Aug, 2008
Vijender Kumar beats Jack Badou of Gambia in the 75-kg bout to advance to the second round of boxing competition.
9 Aug, 2008
Saina Nehwal scored a thumping win over Ella Karachkova to move to the second round of women’s singles in badminton.
9 Aug, 2008
India’s women archers failed to keep their arrows on target and finished low down in the ranking event at the Beijing Games.
9 Aug, 2008
Bajranglal Takhar gave the crestfallen Indian camp some reason to smile as he qualified for the quarter-finals of men’s singles Sculls event.
9 Aug, 2008
In a big setback to India’s medal hopes, Samresh Jung failed to make the finals of the men’s 10m air pistol event following the poor show by Anjali Bhagwat and Avneet Kaur Sidhu.
9 Aug, 2008
Tombi Khumujam Devi’s Olympic campaign lasted only two and a half minutes as she was knocked out of the women’s 48kg event.
9 Aug, 2008
Indian shooters Anjali Bhagwat and Avneet Kaur Sidhu failed to qualify for the final round in the Women’s 10 metre air rifle event at the Beijing Shooting Range Hall on Saturday.
Bindra's Power - Must Know
Know Bindra’s POwer
1.Made a junior world record score of 597/600 in 2001 Munich World Cup and won bronze; gold in 2002 Manchester .
2.Commonwealth Games; became the first Indian shooter to win a World Championship gold; Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna in 2001.
3.At the age of 15, Abhinav Bindra was the youngest participant at the 1998 Commonwealth Games and two years later he was the youngest shooter at the 2000 Olympic Games.
4.He won six gold medals at various international meets in 2001.
5.In the Air rifle event at the 2002 Commonwealth Games, Manchester, he won Gold in the Pairs event and Silver in the individual event.
6.At the 2004 Olympic Games, he broke the Olympic record but failed to win a medal.
7.He is a recipient of the Arjuna award in 2001.
8.Lt. Col. J.S. Dhillon was Bindra’s first coach. Abhinav also holds an MBA.
9.On July 24, 2006, Bindra became the first Indian shooter to win a World Championship gold in Zagreb. Dr. Karni Singh’s silver in 1962 was the previous best by an Indian in a World Championship meet.
10.Abhinav Bindra (born September 28, 1982) is an Indian shooting sports person and CEO of Abhinav Futuristics, a PC games peripherals distributor based in Chandigarh.
11.As a shooter, he specialises in the field of Air rifle.
World champion Abhinav Bindra clinched India’s first ever individual gold medal at the Olympics, winning 10m air rifle event at the Beijing Games here on Monday.
The 25-year-old, who qualified fourth for the event, shot an overall score of (596+140.5) 700.5 in a thrilling finale which went right down to the last shot.
Bindra’s historic feat makes him India’s first-ever individual gold medallist, bettering the silver medal feat of double trap shooter Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore in Athens 2004.
“He is the best shooter in the world and I think his is a morale boosting feat for everyone in the contingent,” a jubilant Indian Olympic Association President Suresh Kalmadi said after Bindra’s win.
“We are all very happy. He is a very hardworking athlete. The entire shooting contingent is celebrating. We are very proud of him and it is just the beginning,” national coach Sunny Thomas said.
“Abhinav is a very calm and composed guy and doesn’t get very excited,” Thomas added.
27 Aug 2008
India - Sri Lanka 4th ODI Result
Result: India beat Sri Lanka by 46 runs, win series
Man of the Match: Suresh Raina
Total Score(Sri Lankan Team): 212/10 (46.3)
Next Match : INDIA vs SRI LANKA - FRIDAY ,29 Aug 2008
Watch Live On DoorDarsahan From 2.30 Pm onwards
CRICKET - 22 off one ball Made POSSIBLE - Duckworth-Lewis method
2.It was first used in international cricket in the second game of the 1996/7 Zimbabwe versus England One Day International series, which Zimbabwe won by 7 runs,and was formally adopted by the International Cricket Council in 2001 as the standard method of calculating target scores in rain shortened one-day matches.
3.In the sport of cricket, the Duckworth-Lewis method (D/L method) is a mathematical way to calculate the target score for the team batting second in a one-day cricket or Twenty-20 cricket match interrupted by weather or other circumstanceThe Duckworth-Lewis method is used to help decide rain-interrupted one-day cricket matches.
3.It is named after Frank Duckworth and Tony Lewis who devised the mathematical formula.
For example: a team have lost five wickets after receiving 25 of their 50 overs when rain stops play.
At this point, using the table produced by the Duckworth-Lewis method, the team’s remaining resources are valued at 42.2%.
If 15 overs are then lost because of the weather, the innings will be completed after only 10 more overs.
The D/L method says that, with 10 overs left and five wickets lost, the team has 26.1% of their resources left.
To compensate for the lost overs, we must calculate the resource % lost.
This works out to 42.2 - 26.1 = 16.1.
If the team had been chasing a total of 250 runs, their new target is calculated in the following way.
Resources available at the start = 100%
Resources lost = 16.1
Resources available after rain interruption = 83.9%
Then reduce team one’s score in the following way. Multiply team one’s runs scored by the recalculated resources divided by the resources available at the start.
That is: 250 x 83.9/100 = 209.75.
The target is then rounded to the nearest whole number, so the team batting second would be set a target of 210 to win.
5.Applied to 50 over matches, each team has to face at least 20 overs before D/L can decide the game. In Twenty20 games, each side has to face at least 5 overs.
6.An Example -
The “best-scoring overs” method, used in the 1992 Cricket World Cup, left the South African cricket team requiring 21 runs from one ball (when the maximum score from any one ball is generally six runs). Prior to a brief rain interruption, South Africa was chasing a target of 22 runs from 13 balls - which was difficult but at least attainable
26 Aug 2008
2.Test run speeds have been 443 km/h (275 mph) for conventional rail in 1996, and up to a world record of 581 km/h (361 mph) for maglev trainsets, in 2003.
3.Eric Laithwaite, Professor of Heavy Electrical Engineering at Imperial College, developed a functional maglev passenger vehicle. It weighed 1 ton (1 tonne) and could carry four
Wrestling Men's Freestyle 66 kg Sushil KUMAR - BRONZE
Boxing Men's Middle (75kg) Vijender KUMAR - BRONZE
Beijing olympics - TOP TEN vs INDIA
() ' ,jj ()
( )( /. )( )
Yeh Ganesh ji ki Murti hai ..
Don't worry
Forward nahi karna hai..
Pooja karke MOBILE visarjan kar dena..!!
1.Gajanana श्री Ganaraya aadi vandu tujha Moraya .
गणपति बप्पा Morya !
मंगल मूर्ति Morya !
जय गणेश .. !
मंगल मूर्ति morya ! ! !
जय गणेश देवा
गणपति बप्पा morya
Gajanana Shri Ganaraya aadi vandu tujha Moraya.
Ganpati Bappa Morya!
Mangal Murti Morya!
Mangal murti morya!!!
Jay ganesh deva
Ganapati bappa morya
25 Aug 2008
Wrestling Men's Freestyle 66 kg Sushil KUMAR - BRONZE
Boxing Men's Middle (75kg) Vijender KUMAR - BRONZE
Yes INDIA found three Golds in the Beijing olympics.After A very long Gap Our Indians are Happy Too when the world is celebrating the OLYMPICS.Our Three Atheletes who won Medals In the Olympics are no less than Gold Medals that Other Countries have won,but is it right to compare them to a gold medal when the world atheletes have won medals up to 8.
Perhaps not but we indians are so happy that our medalists hve become the rose of garden.now onward every function,every meeting,every rally,every college/school functions will not start untill our roses.
So, the Olympics at its end with the host China china winning the most of the medal,though it has the home support,but what about USA,Britain and many other countries most of the countries hav won medals in this olympics.Small countries like Jamaica has won 7 medals overall.
2.The OPENING ceremony was co-directed by Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou along with Chinese choreographers Zhang Jigang and Shen Wei.
3.It was noted for its focus on ancient Chinese culture, and for its creativity, as well as being the first to use weather modification technology to prevent rainfall.
4.Featuring more than 15,000 performers, the ceremony lasted over four hours and was reported to have cost over US$100 million to produce.The opening ceremony was lauded by spectators and various international presses as spectacular and spellbinding.
5.More than 100 heads of state, heads of government and sovereigns attended the opening ceremony.The number of heads of state who attended the opening ceremony was by far the largest in Olympic history
6.The final ascent to the torch featured Olympic gymnast Li Ning, who appeared to run through air around the top ring of the stadium.
7.Featuring more than 15,000 performers, the ceremony lasted over four hours and was reported to have cost over US$100 million to produce.
8.The Chinese singer Liu Huan and British singer Sarah Brightman, standing on the central platform, sang the 2008 Olympic theme song: You and Me.
9.As Chinese is written in characters and not letters, the order of the teams’ entry was determined by the number of strokes in the first character of their respective countries’ Simplified Chinese names.
10.Guinea was the second country to enter following Greece as it only takes two strokes to write the first character in the country’s name . Australia marched 202nd, just ahead of Zambia ,which was the last country to march before China.
11.The Chinese contingent, which was last, was led by Yao Ming and Lin Hao, the 9-year-old primary school student who had rescued two schoolmates during the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake.
12. Four Great Inventions of ancient China
* The Compass
* Gunpowder
* Paper
* Printing
13.The Olympic flag was carried in by eight former athletes from China. They were:
* Zhang Xielin (table-tennis)
* Pan Duo (Everest mountaineer)
* Zheng Fengrong (athletics)
* Yang Yang (A) (short track speed skating)
* Yang Ling (shooting)
* Mu Xiangxiong (swimming)
* Xiong Ni (diving)
* Li Lingwei (badminton)
14.At the End of the ceremony Jackie Chan, Karen Mok, Han Hong, and Sun Nan sang the first song, “Stand Up”; while Andy Lau, Nicolas Tse, Joey Yung, Wakin Chau, Wang Feng, and Sun Yue sang the second song, “Cheering for Life”. Since the ceremony was already overtime by then, this portion was not televised.
15.In 2006 the Beijing Organizing Committee (BOCOG) initially chose American film maker Steven Spielberg, Yves Pepin, head of the French entertainment group ECA2, and Sydney Games opening ceremony director Ric Birch as special consultants.
16.The South Korean Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS) leaked parts of a rehearsal of the opening ceremony through secret shooting before the actual ceremony, disregarding the prohibition of the Organizing Committee.
17.The song “Ode to the Motherland” appeared to be sung by Lin Miaoke at the ceremony, but it emerged she had mimed her performance to a recording by another girl, Yang Peiyi.
18.Most of the television coverage of the fireworks show that displayed the 29 fireworks “footprints” outside the stadium was simulated by computer animation by using CGI of 28 of the footprints for television broadcasts, and only the last one was filmed live.
1.The 2008 Summer Olympics closing ceremony was held at the Beijing National Stadium, also known as the Bird’s Nest.
2.It was directed by Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou and began at 8:00 pm China Standard Time (UTC+ 8) on August 24, 2008 (the post-introductory main ceremony began at 8:08 pm). The number 8 is associated with prosperity and confidence in Chinese culture.
3.British singer Leona Lewis and Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page (with association football player David Beckham making an appearance).
4.The Ceremony also included the handover of the games from Beijing to London. Guo Jinlong, the Mayor of Beijing handed over the Olympic flag to the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson.
5.The total cost for the eight-minute segments during the Handover Ceremonies at the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing was £2.5m
Rank NOC Name M W G S B Total
1 | 42 | 57 | 51 | 21 | 28 | 100 |
24 Aug 2008
Before Smoking Think about Me - LIGHTER
2.Lighters using naphtha have a wick which is immersed in the fluid and becomes saturated. This type usually has a fiber packing material which absorbs the liquid to keep it from leaking.
3.A spark is created by striking metal against a flint, or by pressing a button that compresses a piezoelectric crystal, generating a voltaic arc
4.In naphtha lighters the liquid is volatile enough that flammable gas is present as soon as the top of the lighter is opened
5.Butane lighters combine the striking action with the opening of the valve to release gas
6.The spark ignites the flammable gas causing a flame to come out of the lighter which continues until either the top is closed (naphtha type), or the valve is released (butane type).
7.The high energy jet in butane lighters allows mixing to be accomplished by using Bernoulli's principle, so that the air hole(s) in this type tend to be much smaller and farther from the flame.
8.The first lighter, Döbereiner's lamp, was invented by Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner in 1823. It stayed in production until 1880.
9.Two technical standards relate to the safety of lighters
a.For instance, a lighter should generate flame only through positive action on the part of the user, two or more independent actions by the user, or an actuating force greater than or equal to 15 N.
b.The standard also specifies other safety features, such as as the lighter's maximum flame height and its resistance to elevated temperatures, dropping, and damages from continuous burning.
10.Car cigarette lighters - The lighter's socket doubles as a 12 volt power outlet that can be used to power many small electrical devices. In some newer cars, due to the decreasing popularity of smoking in some countries and the popularity of in-car electronics, the lighter plug has been omitted while leaving the socket behind as a power source.
23 Aug 2008
The unofficial company slogan is "Don't be evil"
2.Google Inc. is an American public corporation, earning revenue from advertising related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the same technologies.
3.The Google headquarters, the Googleplex, is located in Mountain View, California. As of June 30, 2008 the company has 19,604 full-time employees
4.The initial public offering took place on August 19, 2004, raising US$1.67 billion, making it worth US$23 billion. Google has continued its growth through a series of new product developments, acquisitions, and partnerships.
5.Google began in January 1996, as a research project by Larry Page, who was soon joined by Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California
6.Their search engine was originally nicknamed "BackRub" because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site.
7.Originally, the search engine used the Stanford University website with the domain google.stanford.edu. The domain google.com was registered on September 15, 1997,and the company was incorporated as Google Inc. on September 7, 1998 at a friend's garage in Menlo Park, California.
8.The total initial investment raised for the new company amounted to almost US$1.1 million, including a US$100,000 check by Andy Bechtolsheim, one of the founders of Sun Microsystems
9.The name "Google" originated from a common misspelling of the word "googol", which refers to 10100, the number represented by a 1 followed by one hundred zeros.
10.One of the earlier companies that Google bought was Pyra Labs. They were the creators of Blogger, a weblog publishing platform, first launched in 1999
11.In 2004, Google acquired a company called Keyhole, Inc., which developed a product called Earth Viewer which was renamed in 2005 to Google Earth.
12.99% of Google's revenue is derived from its advertising programs. For the 2006 fiscal year, the company reported US$10.492 billion in total advertising revenues and only US$112 million in licensing and other revenues.
13.As of August 2007, Google is the most used search engine on the web with a 53.6% market share, ahead of Yahoo! (19.9%) and Live Search (12.9%)
14.In 2004, Google launched its own free web-based e-mail service, known as Gmail
15.In early 2006, the company launched Google Video, which not only allows users to search and view freely available videos but also offers users and media publishers the ability to publish their content, including television shows on CBS, NBA basketball games, and music videos.
16.In 2007 and 2008, Fortune Magazine placed Google at the top of its list of the hundred best places to work.
17.Google's corporate philosophy embodies such casual principles as
"you can make money without doing evil," "you can be serious without a suit," and "work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun
18.As an interesting motivation technique (usually called Innovation Time Off), all Google engineers are encouraged to spend 20% of their work time (one day per week) on projects that interest them.
19.Some of Google's newer services, such as Gmail, Google News, Orkut, and AdSense originated from these independent endeavors
INDIA olympics - The UPs And DOWN
Indian Boxer Vijendra kumar Lost His semi-final bout against Cuba’s Emilio Bayeux Correa.
21 Aug, 2008
India’s ace freestyle grappler Rajiv Tomar made an early exit after losing to Steve Mocco of US in the men’s 120 kg freestyle qualification round at the Beijing Olympics.
21 Aug, 2008
Vijender fought a great tactical bout, playing that ‘defend and wait’ game to perfection against Ecuadorian Carlos Gongora.
20 Aug, 2008
The 66-kg freestyle wrestler Sushil Kumar, who lost his first bout in the round of 16, went through three repechage contests to win India’s first bronze in wrestling since 1952.Sushil Kumar won the bronze medal after beating Kazakhstan’s Spiridonav in a play-off in the men’s 66 kg freestyle wrestling through repechage round.
20 Aug, 2008
India’s ace pugilist Jitender Kumar lost to Russian Georgy Balakshin in the men’s 51 kg flyweight quarter-finals in Beijing.
20 Aug, 2008
Achanta Sharath Kamal failed to advance to the next round after losing to Austria’s Weixing Chen in the men’s singles event.
19 Aug, 2008
Indian table-tennis player Achanta Sharath Kamal won first round match in men’s singles event of Beijing Olympics after beating Alfredo Carneros of Spain 4-2.
19 Aug, 2008
India’s challenge at the 60 kg men’s freestyle wrestling came to a dismal end with Yogeshwar Dutt went down to Kenichi Yumoto of Japan.
19 Aug, 2008
Anju Bobby George too could not qualify for the event
18 Aug, 2008
India’s top pugilist Akhil Kumar crashed out of the Beijing Olympics after losing at the hands of Moldova’s Veaceslav Gojan in the quarter-finals of the men’s 54 kg bantamweight category.
18 Aug, 2008
India’s triple jumper Renjith Maheswary failed to qualify for men’s triple jump finals after leaping the best distance of 15.77 m in the qualifying round.
18 Aug, 2008
India’s promising paddler Neha Aggarwal made an early exit as she failed to advance to the next round after losing to Australia’s Fang Lay in the women’s singles event at the Beijing Olympics.
17 Aug, 2008
Surendra Singh’s hopes of a top 10 finish went up in smoke as the Indian finished the energy sapping 10,000m race at the 26th place.
17 Aug, 2008
India’s shooting campaign came to an end as riflemen Gagan Narang and Sanjeev Rajput failed to qualify for the final round of the men’s 50 metres 3-position event at the Olympics.
16 Aug, 2008
Vijender Kumar beat Thailand’s Angkhan Chomphuphuang in the 75kg middle-weight bout to advance to the quarter-finals of boxing competition at the Beijing Olympic Games.
16 Aug, 2008
Jitender Kumar defeated Tulashboy Doniyorov in the flyweight pre-quarterfinals at the Beijing Olympics.
16 Aug, 2008
Vikas Gowda’s Olympics campaign wilted in the qualifying round as the Indian discus thrower failed to reach anywhere near his best.
16 Aug, 2008
Mandeep Kaur cut a sorry figure in the Olympic stage as she failed to qualify for the semifinals of the women’s 400m event.
15 Aug, 2008
Akhil Kumar reached the quarter-finals beating world champion Sergey Vodopyanov in the 54kg bantam weight category.
15 Aug, 2008
Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi were shown the door by the Swiss pair of Roger Federer and Stanislas Wawrinka in the doubles quarter-finals.
15 Aug, 2008
Bajranglal Takhar ran out of steam in the closing stages but managed to better his personal best timing to finish 21st in the men’s Single Sculls rowing event at the Olympics.
14 Aug, 2008
Indian judokas’ challenge came to a dismal end in the 29th Olympic Games with Divya Tewar going down to Yalennis Castillo of Cuba in the 78kg category.
14 Aug, 2008
Indian challenge in swimming came to an end as neither Virdhawal Khade nor Ankur Poseria could repeat or better their personal best at the Beijing Olympics.
14 Aug, 2008
India’s Anjali Bhagwat and Avneet Kaur Sidhu crashed out without making the grade for the finals of the 50m air rifle three position shooting competition at the Being Olympics on Thursday.
13 Aug, 2008
Sania Mirza and Sunitha Rao could not avert a defeat against Kuznetsova and Safina in the 2nd round.
13 Aug, 2008
The Indian Express duo of Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi recreated the old magic to sail into the quarters of the men’s doubles event. Leander Paes/ Mahesh Bhupathi beat Marcelo Melo/Andre 6-4, 6-2.
13 Aug, 2008
Bajrang Lal Takhar dissapointed as he finished fourth among six rowers in men’s single sculls classification race at the Beijing Olympics.
13 Aug, 2008
India’s ace archer MS Champia lost in the pre-quarters from B Badenov of Russia in the men’s individual archery event.
13 Aug, 2008
MS Champia advanced to the pre-quarters after beating Iran’s V Hojjatolah in the archery men’s individual event.
13 Aug, 2008
Saina Nehwal failed to reach the semis after losing the quarter-final encounter of the women’s singles badminton event. Saina Nehwal lost to Maria Krisitin Yulianti 26-28, 21-14, 21-15.
12 Aug, 2008
Paes and Bhupathi recreated the old magic to sail into the second round of the men’s doubles tennis event of the Beijing Olympics.
12 Aug, 2008
Akhil Kumar stormed into round of 16, beating his French opponent Ali Hallab in the 54kg bantam weight category of the boxing competition at the Beijing Olympics.
12 Aug, 2008
Indian rowing pair of Devender Kumar Khandwal and Manjeet Singh finished a disappointing fifth in the Lightweight Men’s Double Sculls Repechage 2 at the Olympics.
12 Aug, 2008
India’s promising archer Pranitha, failed to perform in her pre-quarterfinal match and crashed out of the women’s individual archery event at the Beijing Olympics on Tuesday.
12 Aug, 2008
Jitender Kumar pummelled Ulas Furkan Memis in less than three rounds to storm into the fly weight pre-quarters of the boxing event.
12 Aug, 2008
Dola Banerjee and L Bombayla Devi crashed out of the individual archery event after losing their respective matches.
12 Aug, 2008
Athens silver medallist RS Rathore failed to qualify for the finals of of men’s double trap event at the Olympics.
12 Aug, 2008
Ace pistol shooter Samresh Jung failed to qualify in the finals of men’s 50m pistol event at the Beijing Olympics.
11 Aug, 2008
Anup Sridhar is out of the Olympic race, having gone down 13-21,17-21 to Japanese Shoji Sato in the second round of Olympic badminton.
11 Aug, 2008
India’s top-ranked women tennis player Sania Mirza retired from first round of singles event at the Olympics against Czech Iveta Benesova.
11 Aug, 2008
AL Lakra crashed out of the Beijing Olympics’ boxing competition after losing 5-9 to Bahodirjon Sultanov in the opening round.
11 Aug, 2008
Saina Nehwal, India’s best bet in badminton, stormed into the quarters of the the women’s singles event at the Beijing Olympics.
11 Aug, 2008
Abhinav Bindra created history by winning the first ever gold in the olympics.
11 Aug, 2008
India’s Abhinav Bindra qualified for the men’s 10m Air Rifle final after shooting a total of 596 out of 600 while Gagan Narang failed to make the cut.
10 Aug, 2008
Virdhawal Khade failed to create a ripple in the swimming pool as he finished a lowly seventh to crash out of the 200m freestyle event.
10 Aug, 2008
Anup Sridhar advanced to the second round in men’s singles badminton after beating Marco Vasconcelos at the Beijing Olympics.
10 Aug, 2008
India’s sailing duo Devender Kumar Khandwal and Manjeet Singh finished fifth and last in the second heat of the men’s lightweight double sculls in rowing at the Beijing Games.
10 Aug, 2008
Mansher Singh and Manavjit Singh Sandhu failed to qualify for the trap finals of the shooting competition at the Beijing Olympics.
10 Aug, 2008
The Indian archery team came agonisingly close to a medal before hosts China shattered their hopes in the quarter-finals of the women’s team event.
10 Aug, 2008
Saina Nehwal beat Ukrainian Larysa Gryga in straight games to advance to the women’s singles pre-quarterfinals of the Games.
9 Aug, 2008
Swimmer Sandeep Sejwal failed to qualify for the semi-finals of the men’s 100m Breaststroke event at the Olympic Games.
9 Aug, 2008
Dinesh Kumar bowed out after losing the men’s light-heavy (81-kg) opening round bout to Abdelhafid Benchabla of Algeria.
9 Aug, 2008
Vijender Kumar beats Jack Badou of Gambia in the 75-kg bout to advance to the second round of boxing competition.
9 Aug, 2008
Saina Nehwal scored a thumping win over Ella Karachkova to move to the second round of women’s singles in badminton.
9 Aug, 2008
India’s women archers failed to keep their arrows on target and finished low down in the ranking event at the Beijing Games.
9 Aug, 2008
Bajranglal Takhar gave the crestfallen Indian camp some reason to smile as he qualified for the quarter-finals of men’s singles Sculls event.
9 Aug, 2008
In a big setback to India’s medal hopes, Samresh Jung failed to make the finals of the men’s 10m air pistol event following the poor show by Anjali Bhagwat and Avneet Kaur Sidhu.
9 Aug, 2008
Tombi Khumujam Devi’s Olympic campaign lasted only two and a half minutes as she was knocked out of the women’s 48kg event.
9 Aug, 2008
Indian shooters Anjali Bhagwat and Avneet Kaur Sidhu failed to qualify for the final round in the Women’s 10 metre air rifle event at the Beijing Shooting Range Hall on Saturday.